• Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024 05:19

eventicon11 Laurions Song, 14. Juli 2024 21:00

4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP

Teilnehmer 57

Items 53

Käufer Name Itempool Droprate Wert
Asparux Altruistic Choker default 0 % 10.00
Klerick Basher-Smasher default 0 % 10.00
Atharva Basher-Smasher default 0 % 10.00
Zunar Cooper's Bone Chew default 0 % 10.00
Jolene Glowing Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 30.00
Asparux Glowing Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 20.00
Mohan Glowing Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 20.00
Jolene Glowing Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 30.00
Lodbrok Greater Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Angely Greater Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Cokkie Greater Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Froderic Guardian's Argent Mask default 0 % 50.00
Thulsa Kar's Crusher default 0 % 200.00
Hepp Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Aaragonn Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Mohan Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Jarasil Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Jolene Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Zunar Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Aaragonn Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Grek Lesser Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Jolene Median Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 20.00
Jolene Median Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Irrarr Median Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Ragbert Median Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Aurelio Median Emblem of the Forge default 6 % 10.00
Hepp Minor Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Zunar Minor Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Grek Minor Emblem of the Forge default 7 % 10.00
Occasys Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor default 1 % 220.00
Zunar Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor default 2 % 20.00
Lodbrok Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor default 2 % 10.00
Dablubb Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor default 2 % 10.00
Occasys Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor default 2 % 20.00
Cindane Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor default 2 % 70.00
Aaragonn Pike of Selflessness default 0 % 10.00
Mdala Poetic Elddar default 0 % 10.00
Actael Prose Elddar default 0 % 10.00
Zunar Silver Soothing of Jubilation default 0 % 10.00
Wabb Smotem-Totem default 1 % 10.00
Jolene Sterling Mask of Brilliance default 0 % 350.00
Froderic Unrelenting Bijou of Hope default 1 % 60.00
Zunar Valiant Amice Fastener default 0 % 250.00
Froderic Valiant Arm Armor Lining default 0 % 180.00
Aaragonn Valiant Chest Armor Lining default 0 % 210.00
Hepp Valiant Essence of Finesse default 1 % 60.00
Xyko Valiant Essence of Finesse default 1 % 60.00
Folkken Valiant Essence of Power default 1 % 10.00
Xyko Valiant Essence of Power default 1 % 10.00
Folkken Valiant Essence of Power default 1 % 20.00
Caelyn Valiant Idol Polishing Cloth default 0 % 100.00
Charla Valiant Leg Armor Lining default 0 % 250.00
Froderic Volto of Burning Fronds default 0 % 50.00

Klassenverteilung Loot-Verteilung


Klasse Prozent Teilnehmer
class 14 Wizard
Aaragonn, Blaastem, Ragbert, Yinla
class 8 Paladin
Actael, Skogil, Xanthana
class 9 Ranger
Aluane, Asparux, Aurelio, Cokkie, Mohan, Tarell, Zaph
class 15 Cleric
Angely, Cinadan, Flemish, Jarasil, Kardin, Klerick, Missandei, Simanuela
class 10 Rogue
Atharva, Balogh, Feochadan, Fidden, Folkken, Hsishi
class 4 Enchanter
Caelyn, Mdala, Milaria
class 16 Druid
Cindane, Drewie
class 13 Warrior
Dablubb, Froderic, Rathof, Sanae, Sarryn
class 12 Shaman
Grek, Thulsa
class 11 Shadow Knight
Hepp, Xyko
class 5 Magician
Herminne, Wabb
class 7 Necromancer
Irrarr, Nekkroh, Shevil
class 1 Bard
Jolene, Khoros, Occasys, Poser
class 6 Monk
Korlax, Zzizz
class 3 Berserker
Lodbrok, Thuril
class 2 Beastlord
Purrfection, Zunar