class 7
Level 125, Necromancer
Age of Unity
Dark Elf
Age of Unity

GOLD Information

Zeige die Punkte-Informationen nur für diesen Charakter an

Kontoname Erhalten Ausgegeben Anpassungen Aktuell Raids (30 Tage) Raids (60 Tage) Raids (90 Tage) Raids (Lebenszeit)
Default 6440.00 5930.00 450.00 960.00 100% (20/20) 100% (34/34) 100% (34/34) 95% (588/621)
... 1 Einträge gefunden


Datum Name Notiz Wert
27.01.25 The Outer Brood 3- 19:30-19:58 (20:30-20:58 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
27.01.25 The Outer Brood 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
27.01.25 The Outer Brood 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
19.01.25 The Outer Brood 3- 19:00-19:24 (20:00-20:24 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
19.01.25 The Outer Brood 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
19.01.25 The Outer Brood 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
13.01.25 The Outer Brood 4- 20:00 -20:25 (21:00-21:22 CET) - trash clear - FINAL SNAP 5.00
13.01.25 The Outer Brood 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
13.01.25 The Outer Brood 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
13.01.25 The Outer Brood 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
05.01.25 The Outer Brood 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) - trash clear - FINAL SNAP 5.00
05.01.25 The Outer Brood 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
05.01.25 The Outer Brood 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
05.01.25 The Outer Brood 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:04 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
10.11.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:04 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:04 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
07.10.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:15 (21:00-21:15 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
07.10.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
07.10.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
07.10.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-20:55 (21:30-21:55 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
30.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:25 (21:00-21:25 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
30.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
30.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
30.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:10 (21:00-21:10 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
23.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
23.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
23.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
23.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:12 (21:00-21:12 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
16.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
16.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
16.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
16.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
15.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:15 (21:00-21:15 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
15.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30 -20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
15.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
15.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
15.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
09.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:25 (21:00-21:25 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
09.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
09.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
09.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:27 (21:00-21:27 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
26.08.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00 -20:27 (21:00-21:27 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
26.08.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) 5.00
26.08.24 Laurions Song 2- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
26.08.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30 -20:50 (21:30-21:50 CET) - final snap (split raid) 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - split raid 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 4- 19:30-20:00 (20:30-21:00 CET) - split raid 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 3- 19:00-19:30 (20:00-20:30 CET) 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 2- 18:30-19:00 (19:30-20:00 CET) 5.00
25.08.24 Laurions Song 1- 18:00-18:30 (19:00-19:30 CET) 5.00
19.08.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - final snap (split raid) 5.00
19.08.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - split raid 5.00
... 588 Einträge gefunden / 100 werden angezeigt


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
04.12.23 Nekkroh Sparkling Onokiwan Treasure Night of Shadows default 10.00
12.11.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Feet Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
12.11.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Necklace Clasp Night of Shadows default 10.00
12.11.23 Nekkroh Atraeth Centien xi Vius Night of Shadows default 10.00
30.10.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Belt Buckle Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.10.23 Nekkroh Claw of Toraji Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.10.23 Nekkroh Atraeth Centien xi Vius Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Legs Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
15.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Arms Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Nekkroh Hydra Shard Earring Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Hands Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Legs Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
02.10.23 Nekkroh Stalwart Guard of the Khala Dun Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.10.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Head Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.10.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Idol Polishing Cloth Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.10.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Essence of Finesse Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.10.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Chest Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 10.00
25.09.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Cloak Fastener Night of Shadows default 10.00
25.09.23 Nekkroh Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
25.09.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
24.09.23 Nekkroh Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor Night of Shadows default 10.00
18.09.23 Nekkroh Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
11.09.23 Nekkroh Recurve Bow of the Kerran Warden Night of Shadows default 10.00
10.09.23 Nekkroh Apparitional Essence of Finesse Night of Shadows default 10.00
... 126 Einträge gefunden / 26 werden angezeigt

Individuelle Korrektur-Historie

Datum Grund Wert
03.02.25 First Kill bonus - Silence the Cannons+Dock of the bay 150.00
07.01.24 Bonus for reaching Level 125 by the end of 6th January 2024 200.00
15.10.23 Ready for beta bonus 100.00
... 3 Einträge gefunden
Icon Ereignis Raids (Lebenszeit)
eventicon12 The Outer Brood
100.00% (92/92)
eventicon10 Night of Shadows
93.00% (82/88)
eventicon11 Laurions Song
94.00% (414/441)
... 3 Einträge gefunden
Keine Notizen vorhanden.



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