class 8
Level 125, Paladin
Age of Unity
Half Elf
Age of Unity

GOLD Information

Zeige die Punkte-Informationen nur für diesen Charakter an

Kontoname Erhalten Ausgegeben Anpassungen Aktuell Raids (30 Tage) Raids (60 Tage) Raids (90 Tage) Raids (Lebenszeit)
Default 3485.00 6400.00 4589.00 1674.00 70% (14/20) 76% (26/34) 76% (26/34) 53% (428/805)
... 1 Einträge gefunden


Datum Name Notiz Wert
02.07.23 Night of Shadows 8- 21:30-21:34 (22:30-22:34 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
03.02.25 The Outer Brood 7- 21:30-21:45 (22:30-22:45 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus - FINAL SNAP 15.00
02.07.23 Night of Shadows 7- 21:00-21:30 (22:00-22:30 CET) 5.00
02.02.25 The Outer Brood 7- 21:00-21:24 (22:00-22:24 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus - FINAL SNAP 15.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 7- 21:00-21:10 (22:00-22:10 CET) - FINAL SNAP + late bonus 10.00
07.04.24 Laurions Song 7- 21:00-21:07 (22:00-22:07 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
11.06.23 Night of Shadows 7- 21:00-21:04 (22:00-22:04 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
16.10.23 Laurions Song 7 - 21:30-21:40 (22:30-22:40 CET) - beta - FINAL SNAP 60.00
03.02.25 The Outer Brood 6- 21:00-21:30 (22:00-22:30 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
18.12.23 Laurions Song 6- 21:00-21:30 (22:00-22:30 CET) - Hunter - FINAL SNAP 5.00
26.06.23 Night of Shadows 6- 21:00-21:30 (22:00-22:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
01.04.24 Laurions Song 6- 21:00-21:20 (22:00-22:20 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
01.08.23 Night of Shadows 6- 21:00-21:20 (22:00-22:20 CET) & Yinla Mega Bonus - FINAL SNAP 305.00
19.06.23 Night of Shadows 6- 21:00-21:05 (22:00-22:05 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
12.06.23 Night of Shadows 6- 21:00-21:05 (22:00-22:05 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
02.02.25 The Outer Brood 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
20.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
20.08.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
23.07.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
07.04.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
02.07.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
11.06.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-20:55 (21:30-21:55 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
06.08.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-20:48 (21:30-21:48 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
10.03.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-20:47 (21:30-21:47 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
24.09.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-20:46 (21:30-21:46 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
04.08.24 Laurions Song 6- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
17.09.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-20:37 (21:30-21:37 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
10.09.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-20:36 (21:30-21:36 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
12.11.23 Night of Shadows 6- 20:30-20:35 (21:30-21:38 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
16.10.23 Laurions Song 6 - 21:00-21:30 (22:00-22:30 CET) - beta 60.00
03.02.25 The Outer Brood 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
18.12.23 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - Hunter 5.00
19.08.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - final snap (split raid) 5.00
07.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
28.10.24 The Outer Brood 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - BETA - FINAL SNAP 15.00
14.11.23 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - beta & Low Numbers Bonus - FINAL SNAP 65.00
16.10.23 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) - beta 60.00
01.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
02.01.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
01.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
19.06.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-21:00 (21:30-22:00 CET) 5.00
04.03.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:57 (21:30-21:57 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
08.10.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:53 (21:30-21:53 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
11.09.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:46 (21:30-21:46 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
02.12.24 The Outer Brood 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-22:45 CET) - BETA - low numbers - FINAL SNAP 20.00
02.10.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:50 CET) - FINAL SNAP + Crystal Crusher bonus 55.00
02.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
17.06.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
03.07.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:45 (21:30-21:45 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
13.06.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:41 (21:30-21:41 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
15.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:40 (21:30-21:40 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
05.03.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:30-20:35 (21:30-21:35 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
04.12.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:35 (21:30-21:35 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
28.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:35 (21:30-21:35 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
27.06.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:30-20:35 (21:30-21:35 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
02.02.25 The Outer Brood 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
15.10.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
13.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
18.06.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
06.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
04.08.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
07.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
10.03.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
12.11.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
24.09.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
17.09.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
10.09.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
20.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
06.08.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
23.07.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
02.07.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
11.06.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
24.03.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:24 (21:00-21:24 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
28.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:20 (21:00-21:20 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
12.05.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:16 (21:00-21:16 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
05.11.23 Night of Shadows 5- 20:00-20:14 (21:00-21:14 CET) & Low Numbers Bonus - FINAL SNAP 10.00
22.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00-20:12 (21:00-21:12 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
27.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
18.08.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
09.06.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
01.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:27 (21:00-21:27 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
19.05.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:25 (21:00-21:25 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
14.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:25 (21:00-21:25 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
21.04.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:21 (21:00-21:21 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
08.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:20 (21:00-21:20 CET) - FINAL SNAP (split raid) 5.00
05.05.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:15 (21:00-21:15 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
29.09.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:10 (21:00-21:10 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
30.06.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:10 (21:00-21:10 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
23.06.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:10 (21:00-21:10 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
13.10.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:04 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
26.05.24 Laurions Song 5- 20:00 -20:04 (21:00-21:04 CET) - FINAL SNAP 5.00
04.02.25 The Outer Brood 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
03.02.25 The Outer Brood 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - T2 - Learning Bonus 15.00
19.08.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) - split raid 5.00
04.03.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) + Learning Bonus (Artisan) 15.00
05.03.24 Laurions Song 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
28.08.23 Night of Shadows 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
07.08.23 Night of Shadows 4- 20:00-20:30 (21:00-21:30 CET) 5.00
... 428 Einträge gefunden / 100 werden angezeigt


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
20.05.24 Elrusion Lesser Emblem of the Forge Laurions Song default 10.00
20.05.24 Elrusion Guardian's Girdle Laurions Song default 10.00
19.05.24 Elrusion Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor Laurions Song default 50.00
19.05.24 Elrusion Prose Elddar Laurions Song default 60.00
19.05.24 Elrusion Valiant Chest Armor Lining Laurions Song default 300.00
12.05.24 Elrusion Valiant Essence of Power Laurions Song default 170.00
06.05.24 Elrusion Smotem-Totem Laurions Song default 10.00
06.05.24 Elrusion Laurion Inn Hope Chest Laurions Song default 10.00
06.05.24 Elrusion Minor Emblem of the Forge Laurions Song default 10.00
28.04.24 Elrusion Valiant String Serving Laurions Song default 210.00
28.04.24 Elrusion Harvest Blade Laurions Song default 10.00
21.04.24 Elrusion Basher-Smasher Laurions Song default 10.00
21.04.24 Elrusion Silver Defending Magic of Jubilation Laurions Song default 10.00
07.04.24 Elrusion Artificer's Necklace Laurions Song default 10.00
01.04.24 Elrusion Laurion Inn Hope Chest Laurions Song default 10.00
31.03.24 Elrusion Autumnal Guardian Laurions Song default 50.00
24.03.24 Elrusion Laurion Inn Hope Chest Laurions Song default 10.00
26.02.24 Elrusion Trinket of the Fanatic Laurions Song default 50.00
18.02.24 Elrusion Echoing Memoryweave Plate Feet Ornamen Laurions Song default 0.00
04.12.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
12.11.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
12.11.23 Elrusion Sparkling Onokiwan Treasure Night of Shadows default 20.00
12.11.23 Elrusion Apparitional Hand Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 20.00
06.11.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
06.11.23 Elrusion Apparitional Ring Polishing Cloth Night of Shadows default 80.00
05.11.23 Elrusion Apparitional Head Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 30.00
15.10.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
15.10.23 Elrusion Kejaan's Belt of Sagacity Night of Shadows default 30.00
15.10.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
08.10.23 Elrusion Apparitional Amice Fastener Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.10.23 Elrusion Apparitional Feet Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 10.00
25.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Ring Polishing Cloth Night of Shadows default 50.00
25.09.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
24.09.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
24.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Necklace Clasp Night of Shadows default 10.00
24.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Leg Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 50.00
17.09.23 Elrusion Herachuel's Carapace Night of Shadows default 10.00
17.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Wrist Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 10.00
17.09.23 Elrusion Faded Spectral Luminosity Chest Armor Night of Shadows default 30.00
11.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Wrist Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 20.00
11.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Chest Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 10.00
11.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Mask Fastener Night of Shadows default 50.00
11.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Charm Polishing Cloth Night of Shadows default 50.00
11.09.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
10.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Essence of Finesse Night of Shadows default 10.00
10.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Ring Polishing Cloth Night of Shadows default 50.00
10.09.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
10.09.23 Elrusion Apparitional Arm Armor Lining Night of Shadows default 10.00
20.08.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
20.08.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
20.08.23 Elrusion Apparitional Earring Clasp Night of Shadows default 50.00
13.08.23 Elrusion Atraeth Centien xi Vius Night of Shadows default 20.00
06.08.23 Elrusion Wrath of the Dar Khura Night of Shadows default 10.00
06.08.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
01.08.23 Elrusion Graffitied Stele of Deepshade Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.07.23 Elrusion Hydra Shard Earring Night of Shadows default 10.00
23.07.23 Elrusion Apparitional Cloak Fastener Night of Shadows default 10.00
02.07.23 Elrusion Devotee's Focus of the Selenelion Night of Shadows default 10.00
02.07.23 Elrusion Apparitional String Serving Night of Shadows default 80.00
02.07.23 Elrusion Faded Spectral Luminosity Head Armor Night of Shadows default 20.00
02.07.23 Elrusion Villainous Volto Night of Shadows default 20.00
27.06.23 Elrusion Apparitional Belt Buckle Night of Shadows default 110.00
20.06.23 Elrusion Ehayae's Medallion of the Dawn Night of Shadows default 10.00
18.06.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
13.06.23 Elrusion Shik'Nar Carapace Crate Night of Shadows default 10.00
13.06.23 Elrusion Faded Spectral Luminosity Arms Armor Night of Shadows default 20.00
12.06.23 Elrusion Hydra Shard Earring Night of Shadows default 10.00
... 168 Einträge gefunden / 68 werden angezeigt

Individuelle Korrektur-Historie

Datum Grund Wert
03.02.25 First Kill bonus - Silence the Cannons+Dock of the bay 150.00
06.05.24 Fine for incorrect looting of Smotem-Totem (double cost) -20.00
07.01.24 Bonus for reaching Level 125 by the end of 6th January 2024 200.00
15.10.23 Ready for beta bonus 100.00
25.06.23 BONUS GOLD - Copmpletion of all NoS achievements 500.00
21.06.23 GOLD Transfer from EQDKP 3659.00
... 6 Einträge gefunden
Icon Ereignis Raids (Lebenszeit)
eventicon12 The Outer Brood
45.00% (41/92)
eventicon10 Night of Shadows
53.00% (143/272)
eventicon11 Laurions Song
55.00% (244/441)
... 3 Einträge gefunden
Keine Notizen vorhanden.



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